Sunday, April 26, 2009

Garden Update

This part of the garden is just now coming up. Beans, corn, okra, & black-eyed peas. Those big holes are where Behm & I have tromped around looking for little sprouts!

Here's the onions & potatoes (with bug-go-away on leaves).

First tomato bloom!

First item picked from the garden! I think I may have waited too long, it was tough. I'm going to pick some more today before they are all that way.

The only things that didn't come up are carrots & zucchini. I think the seeds must have been bad on the zucchini because we've planted them twice & still no plants. I told Behm he put a hex on them because he doesn't like either one!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

That looks like a huge garden to me. James is having trouble with what he thinks is a rat eating his stuff, but I think it is a rabbit. Maybe once stuff gets up a little more it will leave them alone.