"If you have a pulse, you have a purpose."
I saw this message on a church marquee yesterday that made me start thinking. I have a pulse, but what is my purpose in life? I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, is that my purpose? Have I lived up to the purpose I was placed on this Earth for? Have I done enough for the people I love?
Part of my purpose for writing this blog was to leave a little bit of my memories for my kids and grandkids. The unexpected plus was getting my youngest daughter (still waiting on oldest daughter) and my cousins to start their own blogs, which led to their friends and families starting their own blogs, and finding other people who read this craziness I write.
I look forward to checking in and seeing how everyone is doing and some days I think of 3 or 4 things to post. Maybe being nosey is part of my purpose in life.
That is a very good saying.
I enjoy reading the blogs from everyone. I have learned lots of stuff I did not know when reading them. Keep up the good work! Now if we could just get everyone to post more regularly we could have a lot more fun.
Ok, ok, I get the message. I will try and do better. I do love reading them.
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