The Fiesta birthday party was a huge success! I turned a milk can into a cactus, made tissue paper flowers in between dusting, and cooked dinner to celebrate Sandi & Sonya's birthdays. Sandi requested tacos, so the fiesta theme seemed appropriate. I prepared a Cherry Delight for dessert, an old favorite of Sonya's. Mama, Daddy, Sandi, John, Sonya, Mia, Julian, Behm & I were celebrating a year's worth of birthdays too. We had beef & chicken tacos, refried beans, Spanish rice, guacamole, salsa, chips, quesadillas, & Cherry Delight.

After lunch the store was open, and everybody went shopping, even Julian! It was a great dig through boxes kind of day & thanks to Sandi, Sonya, Mia, Julian & Mama I have several boxes of treasures that are going to new homes. My room looks better & I have a start on getting it organized.
The girls & Julian spent the night and we started digging through boxes again this morning. Julian woke up sick and didn't feel well all day.
Mia & I tried our hands at the cake balls that Bakerella does, but I'm sure not Bakerella! We had fun decorating them though!

This afternoon we went to Mama & Daddy's & visited with them. We really had a great visit despite a few setbacks. The cake balls weren't perfect, Julian didn't feel like helping us, and I did not get one picture of us celebrating!