There weren't many potatoes to choose from. I guess the economy & the food scares are making more people grow their own. I know it is much better tasting when home grown.
2 1/2 rows of onions, 1/2 row of radishes, & 5 rows of potatoes. 50 foot rows. If they all make, we will be eating onion & potatoes for a long time. Now all we need is more rain and warm weather!
It was cool and windy yesterday when we planted it. Of course to me it was freezing cold and I had on 2 coats and gloves.
I have only planted 3 gardens in my life. Two of those times, I had just had Sandi & Sonya. New babies and gardens, what was I thinking? Don't panic, I'm not having a baby with this one!
I can't believe you can already put veggies in the ground. It will be a while longer before we can plant anything here. I can't wait for gardening season...maybe I'll start some seeds indoors soon.
You are certainly industrious. I will leave the gardening to James. The first time a ran upon a snake I told him I was done. Oh, the other day we were going down the road and he said you know there is something about if it thunders in February...and I just about lost it. I said you know, Brenda just had that on her blog. I asked him if he heard it on the radio and he said no, he had known it for a long time, but it just came back to him. That is too weird!
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