This calm, peaceful scene is sent to all the Christmas shoppers out there because if you're like me when I go shopping it is not calm and peaceful. I went Saturday looking for Chinese Christmas gifts for Thursday night. I walked the mall from one end to the other with no luck. 3 stores, frayed nerves, and a headache later, I finally bought 2 crappy gifts that I'm not happy with but settled for them anyway.
Can you tell I'm really in the Christmas mood? Maybe I am in my Christmas mood. I love the reason for the season but this year I can't seem to get into it. Usually, I love looking at the decorated trees and finding new ornaments, but this year there aren't a lot to look at and nothing has captured my attention. I'm not sure I'm even going to put up a tree.
Just call me the Grinch...I do look a little green around the edges today. Maybe by Christmas I will be totally green!
I feel the same way Mom. We pulled into a shopping center last night to get something to eat and I instantly got irritated at all of the stupid people out shopping for stupid presents. I think that is what came out of my mouth. I guess it could have been worse!
Yes, it's too commercialized (SP?). I'm not much in the mood for anything right now. No decorations at my house right now. I keep thinking maybe I should put some up for my little girls but I haven't felt like messing with it. Maybe this weekend will be better and I will let them put my tree up and then again maybe not. I keep thinking maybe I should decorate a little at mother and daddys house but I don't know if I should or not. I need answers..not presents!! Hopefully we'll all be green together by Christmas because right now I am pretty BLUE!!!
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