I got to see Sandi & Sage yesterday for the first time this year! We had a short but sweet visit. Tried to get 2 weeks of news in an hour segment.
Jackie wanted to see a picture of my bathroom wall. This was meant to be a temporary thing & I didn't want to tear the covers up. If you don't mind cutting them, I think it would work better with just one thickness of cardboard.
Went to Wichita today for my usual weekly visit. I had left my dress coat at the cleaners last week and they couldn't find it today. Wouldn't you know I need it Monday to wear to a funeral of an old friend of Mama & Daddy's, Edith Sanders. Her husband & Daddy worked for Bridwell Oil at the same time. It is a small world; Behm & Edith's son are now working together.
I'm thinking of listing some of my photos on Etsy. Any requests or suggestions?
Sonya, sorry about the game. I was hoping it would have turned out differently, but women's basketball will be great!
I think the bench and the grate? or air vent whatever it is...is awesome. I looked on Etsy today and didn't see anything nearly as good as the stuff you and memaw have.
I think I know who this unknown commenter is. I put the bench on Etsy while ago, but you can have the first one!
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